Job Seeker Resources

Empower your Job Search

Get an edge up on your job hunting game with these helpful articles, links and other resources or connect with the Job Skills community.

Employment-related Links

Government Sites:


Jobs for Specific Sectors


Ontario Colleges & Universities:

Private Trainers:

Government Sites

Job Banks

  • Damn Good Resume: Homepage of the best-selling book by Yana Parker.
  • CanadaJobs
  • employment search engine
  • Job Shark: provides a sophisticated internet recruiting service for employers and job seekers.
  • the Canadian division of the leading global online network for careers. The site also features a “Career Centre”.
  • Talent Egg
  • Workopolis: Take the right step in your next direction and find a job on With over 25,000 jobs, expert advice and the most innovative tools, it is the best place to find your next job.
  • Worksearch: Designed to help Canadians search for work on-line and develop effective work search strategies.
  • Canada’s Job Bank: an electronic listing of jobs, work or business opportunities provided by employers from everywhere across Canada.
  • Career Owl
  • Job Futures

Student Information

Ontario Colleges & Universities:

Career Exploration

  • Career Edge: a national, not-for-profit organization whose mandate is to enhance youth employability.
  • Futurpreneurs: the only national organization in Canada that enables young entrepreneurs to pursue their aspirations of building successful enterprises by providing business assistance not otherwise accessible to them.
  • Youth Employment Service – Toronto: “The Place to Go to Find Work”
  • Youth Apprenticeship: Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities site, provides information about apprenticeship opportunities in Ontario
  • the best place to search on-line for apprenticeship opportunities and information about the skilled trades.

Volunteer-related Sites

Please note: Job Skills does not endorse any service or product listed in this collection.

Employment-related Articles

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