8 Tips to Make Your Job Search Easier with Technology


Technology and social media have become important parts of the way we search for and secure jobs. Most importantly, make sure you have the key pieces of technology equipment critical to connecting online to search for jobs, apply for jobs, and get any employment supports you may need.

  • A laptop with a good Wi-Fi connection, basic software to create a resume and includes important job search links
  • A Smartphone with a good Wi-Fi connection

These eight tips can help you to use technology to make the most of your job search to:

  1. Broaden your network – Using sites like LinkedIn and Twitter can assist you to connect with influential people working for organizations you’d like to work with. Both these platforms allow you to have ‘conversations’ to connect with people.


  1. Cultivate relationships new and old – Connecting with people online can help you make new contacts. In this time of working remotely, these relationships are key to build your network and reach out to former contacts to let them know you are looking for work so they can provide referrals and potential opportunities.


  1. Supplement your resume – Creating a LinkedIn profile should contain more than just your resume. Your profile can show employers all your professional experience, skillsets and education. LinkedIn can provide a format to highlight all the things such as volunteer activities and professional development that do not appear on your resume


  1. Use social media and job search sites for public support – Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Worxica can give an excellent picture of you in the workplace. It also allows others to ‘endorse’ your skills and accomplishments with personal recommendations.  These incentives complete your profile and make you a better candidate by setting you apart.


  1. Build a social resume – Creating a social media resume can be one way to stand out in a crowd. How is a social resume different than a website or LinkedIn profile? Creating a “social resume” is becoming very popular and refers to digital enhancements to the traditional paper or PDF curriculum vitae. Links to your portfolio or digital images can bring your resume ‘to life’ and showcase your brand.


  1. Get updates on new opportunities – Use your email, preferred search engine, and other links to set up custom job search alerts. This will alert you to new opportunities as they are posted, so you don’t need to go through the entire internet for postings every day!


  1. Look for work on the go – Your cellphone allows you to take your job search from your home computer to the palm of your hand! Use mobile apps that will enable you to edit your resume, prepare for interviews, schedule meetings and apply for jobs from your smartphone.


  1. Use technology wisely There is no one way to find a job. Technology and social media are vital tools you can use to access a broader network and new opportunities. However, as we move into a post-COVID world, technology should be used in conjunction with traditional, in-person connections. The combination of personal contacts and technology is the way to ensure you find and secure the best job for you.

Job Skills is excited to announce a new technology lending program to help ensure those in need can be a part of the modern-day job search. TELP (Technology, Equipment Lending Program) will provide individuals that cannot access community services currently delivered virtually with access to vital equipment including a computer, cell phone, or Wi-Fi. For more information on how you can get access to this equipment call 1-866-592-6278.