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Have you ever heard the saying “good things come to those who wait”? It basically means that being patient and not rushing into things can help you achieve your goals and desires. For example, instead of impulsively buying the first car you see, you might save up and wait for a better deal or a better car. Impatience can lead to mistakes and missed opportunities.

Patience is the ability to wait calmly for something without getting angry, frustrated, or anxious. It’s a valuable skill that can help you deal with challenges, solve problems, achieve goals, and maintain relationships. It can also improve your mental and physical health by reducing stress, enhancing self-esteem, and promoting well-being. Patience will also help you in your decision making. A lack of patience can lead to mistakes and poor decisions. 

But let’s be honest, practicing patience isn’t always easy, especially when facing uncertainty or difficulties. It’s normal to feel restless, impatient, or anxious while waiting for something to happen or change. Anxiety can interfere with your ability to be patient and calm.

There are techniques you can use to exercise patience and cope with anxiety at the same time. 

Challenge negative thoughts: When anxiety makes you think of worst-case scenarios or exaggerate the negative consequences of waiting, question the validity of those thoughts and replace them with realistic and positive ones.

Practice deep breathing and relaxation: When you feel anxious or impatient, slow and deep breathing can calm your nervous system and reduce anxiety. You can also try other relaxation methods like meditation, yoga, or aromatherapy.

Focus on the present moment: Anxiety and impatience often involve worrying about the future or regretting the past. By bringing your attention to the present moment, without judging or resisting it, you can reduce these worries and appreciate what you have now.

Distract yourself with something positive: Instead of dwelling on the source of your stress, engage in something that makes you happy or relaxed. Do activities you enjoy or that help you grow, like reading, listening to music, playing games, or learning new skills.

Remind yourself of the benefits of patience: Motivate yourself to be patient by remembering why it’s important and how it can benefit you. Think of past examples where patience has led to success or happiness. Also, consider the rewards you’ll get from being patient in your current situation.

Building patience takes time and effort. Test your patience with smaller tasks and challenge yourself to wait or endure discomfort. Identify your triggers that make you lose patience and prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for those situations. Slow down and prioritize tasks to avoid rushing and missing important details.

Practicing patience not only helps you achieve your goals but also brings benefits to your mental and physical health, performance, and relationships. So, keep practicing and remember that good things really do come to those who wait.


For 35 plus years, Job Skills has been delivering solutions to job seekers and moving people into sustainable, meaningful employment. Throughout their long history, Job Skills has recognized that not every job seeker is the same. There is no one size fits all employment program. That’s why the Job Skills vision is building an inclusive society where all people are ensured equitable opportunities to fulfill their career aspirations and participate fully in the community.

Job Skills’ employment specialists are there to answer any of your employment questions. Job Skills‘ staff offer solutions to all job seekers, including youth, newcomers, mature workers, persons with disabilities, and entrepreneurs. Job Skills’ knowledgeable team can help you make educated decisions, set goals, and create a strategy to help you become happier in your career. Job Skills works with local employers creating employment opportunities for Job Skills’ clients.

Thanks to government funding, Job Skills’ programs and services are free to all users. Job Skills have locations across Keswick, Stouffville, Markham, Brampton, and Mississauga. Job Skills also offers virtual services for community members unable to attend one of our offices for in-person activities.

Find your employment solution today. Visit www.jobskills.org

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