june, 2023
Event Details
Find out where the jobs are and how to market yourself. Outcomes include: 1. Advantages of accessing the Hidden Job Market 2. Accesing the HJM through Networking 3.
Event Details
Find out where the jobs are and how to market yourself. Outcomes include: 1. Advantages of accessing the Hidden Job Market 2. Accesing the HJM through Networking 3. Selecting appropriate channels to network: Cold/Warm calling/visits, IInformational Interviews 4. Writing your benefit statement
(Wednesday) 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
MES In Person
4961 Highway 7, Units 100-101 Markham, ON L3R 1N1
Job Skills
Registration is closed at this time.
Please let us know if you can make it to the event.