Post secondary education prepares college students with the basic knowledge they need to pursue a job in their chosen field. One thing college students aren’t prepared for is what to do after graduation and how to break into their career.
I found this question on Reddit, and it identifies clearly how confusing job searching can be for new college graduates. The writer finished school six months ago and they feel like they’re running out of time because of the time between finishing college and starting their new career.
“I’m 6 months in without a job after college. I feel like I’m running against time. I fear hitting a year. I also fear employers might not hire me for wasting so much time. I did recently get a part time job not related to my degree but I’m unsure if that counts. And I only took a month break for the summer then started applying a bunch for months.”
First of all, there is no rule or guideline that says you have to secure your first job after college in a certain amount of time. So, I want to take the timeline out of the equation. The fact that you’re actively job searching makes me happy. If you were sitting around waiting for a job to come to you, we’d be having a different conversation. That fact that you’re pound the pavement is a big first step.
My second point is, your part time job doesn’t have to be related to your degree. You may not be in your chosen field right now, but you are developing employment skills that will help you in the future. Not matter what industry or profession your trying to get into, you’re going to need be able demonstrate transferable skills like communication, teamwork, and work ethic. So, you’re part time job absolutely counts because you’re building your skills for the future.
One thing I want you to think about is why haven’t you been able to secure a job? Sometimes coming out of college new grads have expectations that are maybe too high. Make sure the jobs you’re applying for are entry level and meet your level of experience. It takes time to work your way into a more senior position, and I just want to make sure that you’re putting yourself on the right timeline.
My best advice is to stick with it. Don’t give up on yourself, have some patience and it will come. The good news is, once you finally secure the position you’re looking for, you immediately begin gaining experience
I hope that my answer was helpful. Keep grinding. Job searching isn’t easy. I understand it isn’t happening as quickly as you want it to, but if you keep plugging away good things will happen.
If you have any employment questions you’d like answered, you can email us at compass@jobskills.org
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